I originally had the Hunters with bows and cloaks, and in an ideal world they would still have both, but the change from Ankylodon to FEs & GFE...
It is debatable whether my deployment was more luck or more judgement - I'm not sure there was much in the way of thinking things through! :D...
Don't you worry - I went to a boys' school! :p The board was 4'4" x 6'2" - slightly larger than tournament size but that was the closest at the...
I know this isn't much of a bat rep - I was concentrating too much on the game to take pictures! It was against a Ratkin player ranked in the top...
I'm guessing I'm going to pretty much end up with a FoN army by proxy in a similar manner as you. As my next project will be Brotherhood I'm...
From my understanding, screen your army with cheap chaff hordes (you'll need more than average as shambling will reduce the average speed of your...
Here. They're both on the first page (the second list is slightly further down).
Only as long as it is on the correct thread on the correct forum! Otherwise I will be very angry. o_O That is indeed what I have done! I've...
Hahaha I'm in exactly the same boat! Although this does mean that we're probably bidding against each other on Bretonnian things and pushing each...
Yeah, but this thread hasn't been about Salamander colour schemes from about the second post. As no one had anything close to a relevant response...
And there was me thinking that this section of the forum was called 'Salamanders Discussion'! Silly me! :p
There's nothing wrong with fluff! I can perfectly understand the sentiment, but I tend to be of a more competitive bent, as are my friends. I've...
Will do! My first contact too! I fell in love with the Bretonnians at first (who doesn't love knights, maidens, chivalry and all that jazz!?),...
I thought glazes had reflective properties? The finish seems bright but matt. Another confusion to the matter is that on the back box it...
Haha - did you have a certain 5th Edition starter box that made you love both armies by any chance?? And what will you be running them as?...
I'll hopefully have a Green Knight to be proud of as well - I was getting frustrated that there are absolutely no painting guides whatsoever for...
Unfortunately my phone will most likely be used as a chess clock, so I won't be able to take any pictures! And a battle report?? I'm going to...
But this is the wrong forum for that! Those will have to be posted on the Round Table :p And thank you for the luck - I think I may need it!
And that's it! 2000pts all ready for Clash of Kings next weekend. I thought I was going to have a break after doing this army but I somehow seem...
I solved the problem! Each unit model is glued to a sheet of plastic cut to the size of troops, with magnetic rubber on the underside of each...