I'm not the driver :P I'll do it on my next days off but I also have an interview lined up for then aswell so real life is pretty all over the...
I'm sad to say I haven't even started mine yet work has just got in the way a lot - I have my next weekend off to give it a go
mark it as Gift of the Old Ones :P
Just a quick question because Im UK based will I have to pay any import charges for my prize?
Yes invite us all over to play
Yeah I was going to say this same thing @NIGHTBRINGER you beat me too it :)
Very cohesive and well painted unit you have there certainly worth stealing....I shall commence plans ...I get ahead of myself ;) - (I joke) they...
@Warden yeah a war turtle type creature I will take more pictures later for you
It's a lot of fun - my fiancee said she wanted to make scenery like it with me and shes creative so it should insipre us to make some things :)
Wish I could say I made this but I'm lucky enough to say I have acquired this unique bit of kit - It's made of surprisingly simple materials but...
This is genius
I posted him awhile a go I don't do any painting yet much to the annoyance of all you guys
I have him ^.^
He defiantly wouldn't be BARD from my D&D sessions ...if I ever had any xd
Wordy update for now ^.^ - I just got in the post a big auction I won of 100's of models so I haven't had time to take pictures yet took me a good...
Green ball ..noooooooo...what happened to this beautiful creature
I agree with this idea - either each own game type as its own catagory or one big lump group of other proxies?
That would deffinatly be a cool scenario how would it play out Lizardmen vs monsters or park goers i.e another race vs all the Lizardmen ? Its...
Can't wait to see more of your Lustria Park what you got planned next?
Not much to report at the moment really - my mum found a toy dragon for my nephew's birthday in a charity shop but since it was my birthday...