I'm starting to prep a bit for 40k 8th. One new Tyranid Monstrous Creature and a repaint of another. Also, you can see some unpainted Hive Guard...
All the ones I've posted are from the Deathwatch: Overkill set. It's a pretty good way to get into the army. Of course, half the fun is kitbashing...
Looking forward to this. I really hope my tyranids are playable as something other than "flying FMC spam". I started my miniatures career as a nid...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] Also, I finished the 16 Genestealer Cult Neophyte Hybrids and started in on the Acolyte Hybrids from Deathwatch: Overkill....
[ATTACH] First 10 Halflings finished. Only 26 more to go.
For me, I've been alternating between Free Peoples and Seraphon for awhile. Even in 8th, I alternated between Empire and Lizardmen. I have other...
And that's why I don't do competition standard. I don't have the patience for that level of detail.
Good question. For me, good tabletop quality involves two to three layers of paint on an area possibly followed by a wash. Competition quality is...
:p Northlander barbarian, actually. Going for more of a ranger/scout build rather than berserker.
My dream, actually, is not that they scrap AoS, but that they release 9th Ed., along with a trickle of updated codexes, starting with Beastmen,...
[ATTACH] Quick and dirty paint job on a mini for an RPG campaign I'm playing in. Other than that, I've been working on my halfling crusaders...
Yes. That's been confirmed somewhere. They haven't said so officially, but yes, it means Skaven. A couple online videos I've seen have hinted that...
[ATTACH] Ok, finally. Here is the first of the halfling fighters. Thanks for the tips on posting.
That's a possibilty. My thought was that the third game might revolve around an extended campaign dealing with the end times. But I have no...
Having issues uploading files. I can't post pictures right now. Is anyone else having issues?
Poetry contest? I may have to enter this one. I'll refrain from my initial inclination which is a sestina, although a twenty book epic detailing...
I just pulled out my copy and there is a lot of interesting stuff in the book. On it's surface, it's a map based campaign, which is a great excuse...
I'm not playing any mods, but I've been playing Dwarfs recently. I've only finished the game with VC, so I want to win with a couple other races....
I bought it back in 8th, but never played through it. It was a pretty decent map campaign system, although I still prefer the General's...
Just don't let the Slann anywhere near them. Those demonic space frogs will screw all that up.