Won some Sisters of Silence the other day and tried to convert them into my Stormcast force since their armor can come off as regular plate armor....
Five more wolves added to my little pack of dire wolves. :D [img]
Some more WIP terrain. Fortified Longhouse / Thane House. Going to buy doors and more popsicle sticks for the roof. [img] [img] The...
Here are my little Jungle Caravan Merchants. Sadly I didnt have any "meat" or "fish" accessories so tried to use whatever I had among my bits....
Got the Bastiladon this morning. Here is my WIP Caravan. [img]
Yeah I was looking around for other dinos but couldnt find any to work with as I did with my Therizinosaurus model. If I find any they tend to be...
Sure go ahead. Would like to see what you make of it! [img]
[img] Here are my Riverguards from Kings of War. Love the models, they are however metal, hope they will release plastic version in the future....
So here's the gatehouse 95% done, just going to buy some doors and possibly some windows. Other than that its ready for the table :) [img]...
And at that moment he knew he had f*cked up... [img] (Size comparison with my converted chaos warriors.) [SPOILER]
Yeah they do, think that's what they went for :)
While waiting for paint and glue to dry I've ordered some more miniatures. The two first characters I got for the same storyline I'm working on...
A wire brush? Had to google that (: Don't have anything like that at home but will keep and eye out for it or ask my father if he got something...
Thanks and yes I'm that kind of guy :) When it comes to terrain this is what I'm working on at the moment. The main "gatehouse" for the Jarl I...
Again with the shitty mobile camera. Haha but here are my Rex' characters, I wanted to try to make some odd color pattern on the horned ones but I...
[img] Got these two beauties in the mail today! So happy and they will keep me busy tonight while I watch Critical Role. Will try to go for one...
Thank you! And yes I think you should they had nice bits and they were easy to convert, used left over Empire/Bretonnia bits on some. Those blue...
Time for a little update, bought a box of foot soldiers from Fire Forge which gives parts for 48 models which is awesome and instead of making...
The hammerhead's tower is removable and it's backhatch could be open so simply swapped the tank bodies. So the devilfish now has the open hatch...
I didnt expect this to happen so early but the auction was flooded with Tau right after I began to plan my list so I jumped on that as best as I...