Rearranged the leg of my latest star priest conversion... second leg will follow... [ATTACH] Oops... wrong picture... Here we go! [ATTACH]...
Whoop whoop!
As long as it's just a model why not? And I guess the rebel flag (once learned that's a synonym for the confederate flag) is less loaded with...
I tried sculpting a hand on my scratch build Slann... guess I need to get out my knife and reshape the lower arm... or the arm as a whole a...
Fire finished... So that was the last part on my first terradon... now it's just the base and he's complete... [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Maybe he tried rescuing his shop by making the deal with you... numbers for the end of August or something...
What a good wife playing warhammer with her husband! And also a nice gaming table! Playing under such conditions can only be fun! ...no matter if...
Not only according to the style of drawing... he also has a magic sword... Also quite similar style like silver hawks, brave star and stuff...
Good thing. With Slann being named characters would have been way too bad...
Very nice.
The rule above is also interesting... do slann and scar veterans or oldbloods in the new meta battalions count as named? They got names when...
I was talking about me when complaining about foto equipment...;)
It's a kind of extreme request (especially when it's from a guy who takes his pictures with a phone and didn't even managed to have a light box...
The stalker is especially one I'm most upset about... he's nothing but a one model chamo skink unit... his ability is kind useless cause who'd let...
I think it's just depending on the distance between start and endpoint of the move... the rules say models can move vertically to climb up/ over...
It's the missing keyword... non of them has the SERAPHON keyword... and if my information is right this allegiance thing is about keywords... a...
If you are into 'technical' support this might be interesting:...