Thanks! Uniqueness was one of the goals for this paint job... ;) Here more progress: [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Well... I guess that's really up to you... and a bit depending on the model you paint... Personally I like to finish the biggest areas first...
Little update: decided to go all lady bug and am now planning on making the skinks look like the larvae of said insect... Here's the first try......
Had a similar experience the other night... Was driving home from a friend... The two officers were not much more than half my age... We had a...
Some progress... washed the mephiston red basecoat with Vallejo red wash... redid the mephiston on the single scales and highlighted the front...
so many cool cold ones....
Quite true! But don't you think that means they would allow you to fire at will...
Indeed... you have to see the white as a kind of undercoat... I thought it might be easier to tone it down later... also the red is quite...
I have 100... so use the 10 more you have...;)
Yeah... gloss finish... good idea!
I just write numbers... starting with the guy on the left front (1) way back to the guy on the back right (n*x ; with n being the number of ranks...
I was aiming for the bright look... should resemble the white markings on a lady bug's head and torso... [ATTACH] They are a bit bright now......
Added dots... [ATTACH] [ATTACH] I feel like I should do something with the spikes on the edge of the shell... but don't know what... black rim?...
Indeed... that's what I feel... the new steggy looks more like a fat kind of protoceratops ( like how I feel sometimes...) ... and also nostalgic...
Yes... one could express it that way...
These dark elf ladies do look nice, too... I sense a potential amaxon conversion coming up...
After I finished the two I already own I'll definitely get a third one... didn't like the model at first (on pictures) but now I think it is my...
Yep... nice... how about tomb kings?
Some painted minis would be cool to see...
First painting of the year... man what a long break... anyways... redid the shell of my first basti... the one that was orange... decided to take...