Pasta and sangria tonight putting a gift card to use
Lookin spiffy!
I ended up as Ramsey Bolton.......
So first update on this thread in 5ever but looking to start drawing again for our good lizard boys. These will end up being some traditional...
Cooked, Cleaned everything, doing my classwork and planning my Carnosaur's paint job and thinking of even changing my army's color scheme!
Heck yeah! Made it myself! a full ten pounds of delicious galvanized steel
Okay I feel like since the last one I posted was so dang long ago its about time I posted an updated photo, a rare image of me in public [IMG]
I need their versions of the Krox, literally brutal boys I love it!
Oh that is painful :( Yeah sometimes it just doesn't work out
Heating didn’t fix any of the warped bits?
Oh nice! Can't wait to see it when it comes in!
Treat yourself to a Slann
WHat is this sudden spesh mareen stuff in our good lizardy forum
Looking forward to try and pull something together for this, gotta get back in the swing o things!
Well count me in I love slinging presents at folks!
Seeing as I am coming in on the butt end of it I will catch myself up on this before I can properly expound what we are talking about here....
I honestly do not have time unfortunately, I had been working on a separate bastilodon picture went through like a months worth of anxiety came...
I seriously completely forgot about the comp since I have been busy with trying to get all my grad school stuff together! :(
Today in, I didn't even realize this was going on because my life was nuts. TIME TO CRACK THEM
Want to congratulate everyone who entered on well, their entries! I looked at them briefly but was playing DnD at the time so could not give my...