Trying to steal some eggs, eh? Now we know why rippers hate those toads...;)
Guess that's the definition of 'suitablely epic'... ;)
Just great!
Should have waited for the unit to be finished to be on the safe side with my statement ... ;)
That makes more models in the last few days than since I joined this board till this year! Good job!
Gonna be a good looking unit! And finished in about a week... nice! Also: you finished more models painting wise in the last few days, than you...
Patients is the key... and practice... speed comes with time...
A friendly toad... or at least not as angry as the big one on the flying chair...
What an output! ;):p And looking good! :cool:
So... I voted... First vote for the mad Slann. Cause I find that it's a brilliant paint scheme and I myself suck at painting such bright...
I can see all entries.
Indeed... if I was the teacher of this class I would have set you apart from each other long ago...;)
He is more than able... if he wants... nice job!
I fear that's not the only one...
Ask Matt Easton! ;)
Nice job on all this dwarves! Great looking army!
Really nice indeed! Good progress!
Glad to see I'm not the only one hobbying next to the laundry... ironing sucks...
Who else deserves that honor if not the bringer of polls?;) Me myself will take some time contemplating before voting... would be much easier if...
That rocks! ;) Really looks like a freshly digged out statue from ancient times... ...and sorry for the flat stone joke...