Did a bunch of work on basing my bastilodon today after a long long time away from that project, pretty happy with the results and also learned a...
So the test model for A that had been drying all day coincidentally just finished so I thought I'd just throw up a side by side just for clarity's...
Ah I see. Currently I'm not painting the base at all (aside from the black rim). The foliage covers everything, I'm not using it as flocking here...
Sorry I'm not following. You're saying only to apply basing stuff after the mini is done, use superglue and not mess around with paint? Am I...
I'm not 100% certain what you're asking sorry. I'll just detail the whole thing. :) Basically I've tried two methods thus far a) (method done on...
@Crowsfoot Its only thanks to your guide for the s.c. box I'm even using this guy for anything, so thank you! I don't think I said that...
Catching up on this thread, even if i'm late to the party I gotta give major props to your greenstuff skills, the deepkin bases especially look...
You're too modest re: the banner, it looks amazing!
I'm glad I finished my skink priest before seeing yours cause otherwise I'd be discouraged by how amazing yours look. Blown away by the both of them.
Finished with my skink priest. Super proud of myself for how this turned out, as it was my first try at kitbashing a model and I did a lot more...
Spam alert. Spent a couple more hours on this boi and it made such a difference I wanted to post a quick mini update. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Forgot to add to this thread, but basically my to-do list for june was and is the same for may so -the remaining 17 skinks -any one hero unit -my...
So ten days later, lots of progress made. Finished off the batch of skinks I had on my to-do list which feels so nice. Next things to do are...
Its such a minor thing but I love when people give their Seraphon weird tongue colors and I'm a big fan of the green tongue on your Oldblood....
Seconded on the tombstones and I'd give kudos to the wings too.
So I have a few D&D minis kicking around and I got a random urge to paint the pack which is a pair of gnolls. It isn't the best quality miniature,...
Well May turned out to be almost a total bust. Made a post on my blog about it but basically got busy with irl stuff, and hit some roadblocks with...
I also got some scattered progress done on my Carnasaur. I ended up stripping my Oldblood and his Throne because they were coming out like garbage...
So good news bad news. Good news, I am not dead! Bad news, May is pretty much over and I got approximately none of what I wanted to do done this...
So I've not done one of these before, so I'm going to be a little conservative with what I think I can accomplish in this amount of time. List...