You can only Normally, You can only fire at what you can see. Which is normally your front arc, meaning you would normally pivot your character...
I’ve just read p109 - “before you fire the war machine, pivot it to face your chosen target (this doesn’t count as moving).” - looks like your...
I don’t know why I thought they could do it, moment of madness. Also - the rules for lone characters state that pivoting counts as moving for the...
with mini war gaming retiring their old world wars series, I’ve been on the lookout for something to replace it. What channels do you guys watch...
So I am spectating a game and the empire player moved his volleygun forward 4” and fires with the usual -1 to hit for moving and shooting. I...
It is on the verge of unbeatable, not to mention it has the option of a breath weapon! Makes short work of blocks of saurus as I found out in our...
Keep an eye out, I picked mine up on ebay for £20
Nothing. Because I have to finish off my bloody bathroom :(
Just to add to the necromancy... RE expansions: if you don’t have triumph and treachery - I highly recommend it, hilarious fun and fantastic if...
Dammit. I was thinking about my skaven opponent. Back to the drawing board
Does an ethereal slann with magic resistance (2) have a 2+ Ward against magical attacks? Follow up question - is this enough protection for a...
Pay with PayPal? There’s a bit of recourse then if it’s “for goods and services”
That's good to know, I am just trying to think how best risk could be mitigated? payment up front for all that are interested?
Finish my stegadon crews and then... Start work on lustria! about time I made some scenery.
I'm bumping this so it doesn't die (haha I crack myself up!) Of natural death Anyone know a guy?
Does he now? He wouldn’t be cheating now would he?
Since we started he has amassed more jezzails, weapon teams and an additional warplightning cannon. He also proxies rattling guns. He knows what...
Thank you for the clarification, I’m not sure where this came from either. 12 months we’ve been playing like this! Our skaven player just lost an...
Hello! So... my gaming group has been playing: “If you march with a unit, that unit cannot charge in their next turn.” I’ve taken it as gospel...
Don’t forget the flying disc mount!