For ruination of cities, I wouldn't remove the terrain piece. also possibly consider making it more powerfull, the SCE hero with a trumpet can do...
Skink heroes also contains the Troglodon and EoTG. Those are fairly different from a slann :P Besides it makes balancing easier. They might be...
Also @Erta Wanderer I'd suggest making seperate artifacts for skinks, saurus & slann. It'd allow you to make them fit their roles a bit more and...
Yeah, but now you have 2 costs. Which is a bit odd. Meh, teleports/deepstrikes/whatever are weird in general with the 9" requirement. Half the...
Why have you kept the distance requirement of the teleport but also added a combat modifier. The point was to change the distance requirement into...
Maybe the ironjawz get some regular orruks and grots with em?
The tools you have to play around Slaanesh's summoning are essentially the same you have to play around Kroak, namely murder all sources in a...
your carnosaurs are going to be difficult to balance pointwise, with them losing both claw & jaws attacks there's going to be a massive difference...
Underworld/shadespire/that board game with the small warbands and the deck of cards.
Wizards don't really seem to follow that usual pattern of being powerfull for the hype only to be nerfed once enough models have been sold though....
Not in one turn. but chipping away at it shouldn't be too difficult. Ah well, things like this always make me curious what causes these...
He might have been too powerfull, but a lot of new stuff (and even current stuff) was at least as broken (see aforementioned summoning of 1500...
I mean I guess, but that's not so much "bastiladon's are OP" as much as it's referencing how being able to teleport artillery to safety is just...
What army genuinly struggles to kill them though? SCE have mortal wounds on like half their heroes and quite a lot of units. Skaven have mortal...
Really? It's not like they're that powerfull. The only situation in which they'd get properly frustrating would be if you have a high rend army...
Moon hammers & decimators (devastators are some variant of space marine), have less of a difference between their minimum and maximum though. They...
O I'd assume they do have a bit more. Some lodges will be a bit more honourable, some a bit more greedy. There's bound to be some cool stories...
I I said it becomes pointless against less then 10. Hence why one of my suggestions was to put the minimum at 10. Anyway, most weapons don't go...
meh, nighthaunt at least also have some variation to the backgrounds to their units. They're all some form of tormented spirit, but they're...
I really wouldn't call the stegadon a long range option. Yeah, they can carry a skybow, and due to our utter lack of ranged stuff that makes them...