@NIGHTBRINGER I think we might have found someone who creates more chaos as you looking at this thread.
and yet further proof you have no taste ;)
well that's just cheating at least post something interesting :P
I do like em, though I'm curious if there's also a subfaction that combines the two into something halfway effective. The always hungry was...
Got any links for the subfactions? Haven't seen that one yet. mwha, even with a +2 most of em are still quite slow.
yeah no... context is a super difficult thing to get right... Have you ever made any actual complex software? Or modelled something halfway...
Slaves to darkness suffer from not yet having a new battletome. Chaos proper is divided into their respective subfactions and those are all fairly...
Endless spells and scenery for ogers and bonepeople Ossiarch's endless spells are surprisingly tame given how powerfull the stuff shown so far...
Which is impossible & pointless, as points are entirely dependent on context.
yeah, but ultimatly the same principles apply. I mean you can base attack values on super complicated mathematical equations if you wanted to....
In the listed order :Slaanesh, Skaven, Tzeentch, Fyreslayers, Daughters of Khaine, Flesh Eater courts, Legions of Nagash, Idoneth deepkin, khorne,...
Let me put it this way. To even begin using AI to balance a game you'd need to make a complete simulation of that game. This goes far beyond...
It's the main reason why balancing around high level play is nearly always a bad idea. You can abuse the tournament meta to get some really...
Using machine learning to balance a game like AoS is (currently) a terrible idea. A balanced (and fun) game isn't a purely mathematical equation...
I'd put SCE in upper, it's difficult to make a properly "bad" SCE list with clearly defined weaknesses. Also it's nigh impossible to defang a SCE...
Meh they're only going to do that if they can do it in time for christmass, probably before december even to have enough room to actually hype it...
They were the first to introduce some of the fancy new mechanics, like summoning based on a thematic point generation scheme & faction terrain....
Slaves of darkness is left too. And tzeentch And darkoath was promised to come at some point. And it looks like a 40K admech gun. It's the stock...
makes me curious if their actual warwscrolls are gonna be updated significantly. Especially now that the regular ogers need to work together with...
meh, plenty of units who can take that 3D3 and not really care :P But yeah, it is at least an interesting one. Far better than what they used to...