CoS have acces to every realm spell instead which is a decent replacement. Plus they're the most "generic" faction so they don't have a fixed...
What I think would be sensible, so bit of both I guess :p If they want to faction to be healthy they kind need to move away from the slann as...
meh, I think - A new tome, general updating of various warscrolls and the like. - Something to actually make non-slann generals worthwhile -...
Some hints that Nagash is finally going to do something usefull and attack Chaos. Also I do like that in AoS chaos is actually capable of...
Nah, dracula doesn't have that weird wig that passes for hair that mephiston has.
That's still too smooth for a completly stone barrel. Awesome model though.
in that case you miss whatever the barrel is supposed to be leaning on, so that'd still be weird.
To be honest his primarisation isn't very obvious. Which is kinda weird.
Ogers use looted guns and cannons though, so those tend to look relativly clean as they're made by the more civilised factions. They patch em up,...
well it got you to chime in, you're old. The old world is old too, ergo we have a tie in :p
And the 40K magazine now has an AoS equivalent. The stuff you get is fairly decent, and probably worth it for the terrain alone. Unfortunatly...
Modified with ill intentions is a novel way to describe a weapon. I like it :p
It also looks far too solid for a barrel of a gun/cannon. Unless they cut it out or rock for some reason.
It has loads of fur that poofs out a noticeable distance from his actual body. That as far as I'm concerned is fluffy :P Plus, it even has horns...
I like the canon, I finally managed to get the blue of rusting bronze in there, at least a little bit. And the rhinox looks quite fluffy.
I made an ironblaster, it looks neat [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
In fairness, how much of a following does KoW really have compared to GW? The red paint handle GW released a little while back probably...
Also, it had the benefit that the AI actually understood it (or at least didn't screw up as much), so it didn't need to cheat as badly.
That's only chaos cuz the starblood cleanses the taint. In certain cases the mere act of fighting on a certain battleground eventualy drives back...
meh what they should do is either go back to Rome I and allow you to just build everything everywhere (with the exception of certain regional...