I was just thinking this the other day! I'm pretty certain the popularity of the TWWH games, especially 2 (teehee ;)), is one of the biggest (if...
Ah, reminds me of the good old days with the different generations of Slann you could pick in WHFB. Always sounded so much cooler than "X-level...
personally, I think I'd be okay with a mediocre rules update as long as the lore is top tier lol
I recently found out that GW did release some Amazon minis for Mordheim back in the day. They weren't necessarily followers of the Old Ones I...
are there now?! hmmm...sounds like a good use of the "princess on raptor" mini from the AMAZONS! kickstarter that happened a few months back. Or...
Ah, guess it must've just been out of stock that time. My bad! ...guess the stars may align on Sunday indeed.
Although I'm with everyone in hopes that this Sunday we'll get an announcement, I'm pretty sure the physical battletome has been "No Longer...
With the trend of GW simplifying/streamlining warscrolls and rend increasing across many recently updated profiles, I can see this as a very...
This is the second rumor engine that has a fancy haft and a somewhat crude/stone bit at it's end...o agree, LumnLords with aetherquartz weapons
I hope their quick response to the Tzeentch cheese was a result of them learning from the rampant Slaanesh-flavored cheese of last year. This one...
True, but the special games releases tend to be grouped together as their releases aren't that big. Take this week for example, they have 40k...
... speaking of the new WotE book, is anyone else surprised it's more expensive than a battletome?! It's US$50 whereas an army battletome is...
Very true, but luckily there are YouTubers who get advance review copies who go through the book and give us some insights into the changes the...
If you're okay with proxis, the following ones came up a while back when I was perusing the eBays: 3x Salamander Razordon Seraphon, Lizardmen -...
Almost; the preview is after the preorder announcement, but before the preorder itself. Typically goes; preorder announcement for the following...
IIRC, didn't the Slann teach the high elves how to use magic? I think this is mentioned in either the 6th or 7th edition WHFB Lizardmen codex...
I see. Man, that KS had a ton of really cool sculpts; specifically the bigger minis. Gotta keep an eye out for future projects like this going...
Wow @Logan8054 , that is some serious sleuthing, haha! Nice! I agree that the SoB reveal will happen @ Adepticon. Feel GW likes to have a big...
Since we got the LuminLord feature this week, that means next week is open, right?! ... although I realize now that if that is true it's probably...
...whoa...your slann is incredible! The gyroscope-like apparatus and energy effects are phenomenal! Love the bright colors as well. One thing I...