Probably March. They are trying to push the Greater Good psychic awakening this month, and then they have Teclis and the Aelves probably around...
Thats a shame if its the case. GW will lose out on a lot of money. 3rd party sellers are getting better and better and I will just update my...
Really hoping new book fixes this. I have 4 of them after all. :D Btw Im also hoping for a behemoth swarm list where behemoths are battleline.
I would love it so much if our story contribution is basically, archaon and his forces are about to free slaneesh, and down come the lizardmen to...
Fortunately GW has been recognizing how people like to go their own ways and are introducing rules for making your own chapters, or tau septs or...
Eh I’m not worried about it. Just like my angry metal slann I’m going to keep on doing my thing and I’m not going to worry about the power gamers.
I play a lot of games and usually when something broken happens, game developers like to wait it out and hope the meta adjusts to correct....
Destiny dice now have to replace both dice for 2d6 rolled and not just 1. So their ability to charge and cast spells automatically got nerfed. Now...
It’s pretty common to keep info need to know to prevent leaks. Since gws whole marketing strategy seems to rely on the impulse buy, secrecy is...
So I have balewind cogs swords and room for 1 more spell or a 4th unit of skinks. Pretty much trying to decide between pendulum or geminids....
even in mtg not all walkers were equal and some had way more power than others. Teferi was strong even with his old spark but urza and mishra were...
not sure if old world lore counts or not but compared to slann, teclis wasn’t even that strong in the old world. The elves didn’t have enough...
Ok cool. So I’ll work on taking standard thunderquake with eotg, 2 bastilidons, and 3 razor dons with handlers. Cloak and amulet in the slann and...
That’s mostly a money thing. Gotta milk the sylvaneth players for everything they own. Sure you don’t “have” to buy the new trees, but they are so...
There is a tournament at the end of February that I would like to attend. I am assuming the new book will not come out before the event, so this...
I dont think anyone has mentioned it yet, but that temple terrain piece would be a great place to put your unused tenehuain models. A little rat...
they have a whole stock of old models that’s not being sold so why make new models when they can sell the old ones to new people? Betcha our rules...
I think they put his soul in armor ala full metal alchemist. So it’s him just without a real body.
The pillars on the ziggurat are there to hold the portal up. So as long as you get creative, I see no reason why you can’t remove them yourself.
I have 5000 pts of lizardmen going back since 4th ed fantasy. Almost 20 years worth of collecting. And if they came out with the total war designs...