Razordons have the Skink keyword now yeah? Or just in the new Battletome?
Guess ill buy more Blood Bowl sets for Sauras 10 man units.
Never underestimate the lowly razordon in melee. I had one finish off a Keeper of Secrets in the fight round after it had charged into my lines....
They did on either their tail or bite attack. Not for the ranged, but now they're definitely more dangerous in melee.
Could have sworn it was 50 per Razordons or something like that. Oh well.
You were rarely every rerolling 1s because you rarely ever took handlers, or were in an Astrolith bubble. You were forced to in Thunderquake....
But why? I mean, we should have expected Battalions to take a hit.... But why?
beast and three handlers now. The two units are not seperate.
Ah see, 18 attacks to fish for MWs! Better than the old way as you can put them all on one unit now.
I don't see it. Depends on who your fighting.
True. Maybe there's a reliable way to get him to a 4+ or 5+ to wound. But then again, this won't really affect how we play Bastis, since they're...
Honestly, it all looks fine to me so far. Don't know Spanish so I can't really say what they all do, but the Basti Warscroll looks nice. 9 solar...
Curious about the backpack and the Skaven warlord from gamesday.
Points here. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1839283153011690/permalink/2545999195673412/
Holy crap, our Endless spells are also cheaper from the looks of it. May be wrong about that though. They're included in our points lists.
New Zealand usually has pre-orders up late Friday by US time. I don't rember when, but it's usually when a lot of new info hits the web. The day...
I need to get ahold of another Tehenhauin for a Skink Chief on Steg conversion now.... I'm actually really glad that became a hero. Praying that...
I'm hoping GW surprises us tomorrow with another Article. A whole day of nothing else to chew on and hype about is going to be rough for me.
Fair enough, my mistake. Also, I am in love with that cover as well.