I really like the Oracle, and will be trying him. It just hurts that he costs as much as a Slann. I think it looks like a fun list, and want to...
I suppose that's fair. Speaking of the Slann cost. Trog needs to be 200 or lower if the Slann can get cheaper. Engine too also feels a bit...
I love him. But part of me thinks he may have been undercosted. He's basically an auto updrage if your taking a Slann. Personally, I'd still...
As long as theyre on a 50mm, you'll be fine. I'd say about a head or two taller than a Sauras though. Dont own the GW ones myself....
Why exactly is being an hammer based army preventing us from having a good anvil unit or paired units? The Bastilidon is edging on an anvil unit,...
Haha, he's in a corner out of position, and now has wasted a turn of being in a box once they realize how restrictive being Garrisoned can be....
I don't think you're understanding what I was saying. I was saying they need to take the Anvil niche, rather than the hammer niche that saurus...
Competitive games are all about mind games and doing your best to take advantage of your opponents weaknesses. A huge piece of terrain blocking an...
I was really hoping for Guard and the Eternity Warden to become a great Anvil unit. Able to take a lot of damage and swing back if needed. But...
I really need those Kroxigors...m I'll see if the local print-buddy would be willing to do some.
One thing I've been thinking about the engine is the possiblity to bait the enemy to take the deployment zone you dont want. You could even place...
It's the same thing as the Bastilidon essentially. Doesn't modify the characteristic, just the roll.
I was under the impression that like the previous Battletome/Iteration, Endless spells could not be cast through our skink pawns?
They cant fly because that requires a buff. Via Slann command or a spell. So anything in our army can fly .... A lot of our units require more...
Oh snap. Ill be able to finally have one of these, since I was too lazy to gold farm when I played!
It's technically cheaper if you never took a Trog as the leader. So there is that. Plus, there several ways to build it still. Kroxigors got...
Well, that's reason enough to ponder it. Decent rend on the bites is a big reason to include it and try to consider it part of said battalion.
Throw it on the pile lads. On the topic of the Sunclaw.... I think either way could work. Same Command Ability, with the choice of a Sunblood...
Listened to a few minutes, quite intrigued and glad to see it up and running. I'll have to give it a full watch later when I'm not running...
You can pick a Skink or Slann trait if either is your general. I don't know what the FEC book says, but ours is pretty flexible to be honest, all...