I’ve since looked it up more and It looks like a hornblower which look similar to blow pipe!!! Idk what I’ll do with yet but I got lots on my...
Nice gryph-hound indeed!!! I suppose the saurus looks ok jkjk nice job!!
You can always keep the 2 left javelin and cut the 2 right left over one for bucklers in the long run you’ll get enough but at that point it may...
And that’s when you buy there old/new stuff for cheap!!
It’s all about the $$$ sign... if you put some super fancy stuff in a already existing faction you’ll sell a few more models sure... if on the...
I see someone as been hoarding salamanders, no wonder I can’t find any... jk hehehehe. So you actually found a bag the right size? Or you made it...
Sound like it’s water down enough if not too much.... how many coats are you layer down?!? You would need 2-3+ I would say to cover black properly.
I don’t see the problem, this isn’t GW hehehehehe Show us what you got!!
Im usually more of a " taste the rainbow " kind of guy but I could get used to " taste the lightning " I suppose!!
Mostly 2 ways 1- the easy way - with a « wash » citadel makes wash but other brand make some to with different names attach to it. It’s a diluted...
My monthly goal, 1- finish my unit of 3 salamander with handlers. 2- prep more seraphon for priming!! 3- oh yeah figured out how I’ll paint my...
I have a few of the skinks 10 I’m debating either paint them like the other and mix them in as either spit and shield or spit and club or paint...
You could just design a battleplan for her and use AOS rules I would think. Like you mention from end to end, have her deployment zone been the...
Tlanextic’s coming along great!! Keep up to good work!!
How big is your ThunderLizard base? I try to look for it couldn’t find it ?!?
Like it.... especially the cobra.... he’s like who woke me up... WTF a frigking move tree....
He was about to run away and the steg was like nope not today boy eat my $#!7 i mean mud...
Seraphon against ghostly tree I like it!!! Lol I know I know there just primed lol but still funny and actually perhaps not a bad scheme after...
I like the red!! Perhaps match with a bright red-orange-yellow frill would be nice!! Sorry about the drop idk if you primed it yet or not but you...
Helios’s Staff: A Oracle's staff contains the power to reverse the flow of time. #1 At the end of the enemy charge phase, you can pick 1...