The 5+ regen is very nice, but since it is a spell you can't be certain it will go through. I'm also not sure if it would be worth it to use a lot...
I think Kroak could work against O&G; They are all relatively lightly armored so his damage can go through, furthermore they tend to field more...
I agree with what has been said. If you'd want to try in practice, I'd guess a Skink Priest with the Cloak of Feathers is the best option.
Hmm, I guess my favorites are: - The Witcher Books - The Inheritance Cycle - The Ranger's Apprentice Of those I'd probably rank the The Ranger's...
I think it is one of those weird ones, where it seems like it hits anything within the 4D6 in a circle around the engine, but depending which part...
I have made more reskin mods and added to the ones I had already made. I'll leave a couple pictures here to give an idea, and for those...
Seems correct :D
All valid points, just going to play the devils advocate a bit and show my Lizarmen bias :p: I agree here, it was partly just to state that...
I wouldn't be so sure. I mean Grimgor would probably win, as a lot of people love greenskins and they would not be happy if he lost; I'm just not...
I haven't updated this thread in a long time... Well first things first, I've been working on a piece for a story that Aginor have made. If you...
Yeah, but if a hero is in melee range, they are also very much in range for deliverance, so their chances of survival are not all that great.
[MEDIA] The old Start collecting box is nice, more so now due to our new book. Which one you should choose ultimately comes down to what you most...
There isn't a lot of info about them, and I don't think anything explicitly states that they do a whole lot. What is certain is that Kroak is just...
That's not entirely new, if I recall correctly this was also the case in WHFB, still it does sound like they are more active in the mummified...
Another thing, maybe it has been mentioned already: Slann now have 'Scaly Skin' if they are coalesced right?
But it doesn't actually make monsters stay in the upper bracket for longer? To bracket say a Carnosaur, you need to deal it 3 wounds regardless...
Don't remember reading it anywhere on the forum, but I could have missed/forgotten it; I just noticed that the arcane vassal rule has infinite...
Nice work. Desert themes sure are nice ;)
A nice thing to do to both have them be boduguard for Slann primarily is just keep the 2+ to protect the Slann but have a 3 or 4+ for every other...
It can do some good damage I'll give it that, so I won't fault you for taking it, but it is very hit and miss. Don't know so much about the...