[IMG] I appreciate the thoughts, end of the day I guess just go with what you like! I am gonna model my bastalidon with switchable gear so I can...
ended up playing with a lot of points. moving some items around. For example... the steg with chief seems pretty good... mind as well upgrade...
I have found 3 potential. one of which involves breaking some clay "rock" and brushing off the bones yourself! so interactive.
thanks for the tip! Does that take hold true for a unit of cammos at 10 models too? i know some units probably have sweet spot model counts to be...
My current list is 1970/2000. What do people do with stuff like this? would have to really adjust a tweak some stuff to drop down for the bonus...
unfortunately thats why I like it ha!
any value in the "run/teleport the sotek dino straight into the enemy giant unit" and just sit there the rest of the game. immovable objective...
I am working on a steg conversion for my upcoming lizard force. I am looking to drape triceratops bones over this war turtle. It is a "bone" armor...
Ive gotten a game in with a current list build I like. mostly built around what models look coolest. still in the planning phase but will post up...
that would be awesome! much appreciated
Hello, just started collecting varying models and items to begin and AoS army. great resources here! I picked up a carnosaur kit second hand...