@Lizards of Renown I'm sure if you looked hard enough, you could find someone on Lustria-Online you haven't poked on this thread yet...You know...
I bought two lottery tickets this day. One of them won today. I netted $6. Compare your lives to mine and prepare to weep uncontrollably! [IMG]
It is free and legal to watch episode one on Youtube if you dare. Spoiler, this is a combination of woke garbage, mediocre animation, unfunny...
[IMG] If anyone needs me, I'll be in the angry dome.
We shouldn't attack Scalenex we should praise him. Scalenex is an awesome guy. Scalenex is not afraid to cry He cries almost all the time. He...
I think he means that he cannot snap his fingers which is why he never joins me for Beatnik Poetry Night. It's possible, although unlikely, that...
Are you going to make a post eight more times on your way to 200,000? [MEDIA]
Hmmm, I've heard humans talk about the uncanny valley. To an extant making a robot or animal more anthropomorphic makes them less threatening but...
Soooo humble. Only a true paragon of humility would create a thread to aggrandize all his forum milestones and nurture it to just shy of 100...
I find that offensive! If I only I knew a moderator to complain to...
Since pandas are invincible this would ruin their attempt to create play balance. That's why pandas don't normally fight, it's too unsatisfying,...
This is spliced with assorted Samuel L. Jackson lines, so yeah contains expletives. [MEDIA] Would have liked to see a Mr. Glass comment or two...
It's called Convergent evolution. Everything and everyone is evolving to become a more perfect being. This dog is nearly there...
I have a very limited set of skills... [IMG] (Taken meme against Nightbringer). I remember seeing the link before because it was one of my...
[IMG] (It's over 9000!) [IMG] (Angry panda says double post)
[IMG] (trash pandas are evil)
I've eaten 103 pounds of bamboo this month and counting. That's a bit high for a red panda but I've been working out so I need to carb load. As...
All these China Uncensored Videos and you don't cover the real news. [MEDIA] [MEDIA] [MEDIA] Vox is actually more concise than Chris Chappel...