Painted a bugbear yesterday and a halfling rogue today, getting ready for a DnD intro game for my nieces and nephew this weekend. I think I need...
BTDT. I joined the US Army Reserves for college money right out of high school. 26 years later, I'm still in. Got a bunch of college and seminary...
Spent yesterday designing a solo map based campaign for whatever system you want to play it in. The only issue I'm having right now is figuring...
I finished the first of my Ironjawz Brutes last night, as well as 5 more Skaven. I also helped my daughter build 2 frostgrave soldiers for her to...
Let's see. Hammerhall Phoenicium Greywater Fastness Temple's Eye The Living City Anvilgard Hallowheart Padre
It is. You can buy the main rulebook on DrivethruRPG. They are also running a crowdfunding campaign on gameontabletop right now for their sixth...
Torg Eternity. One of the better multigenre RPGs out there. Earth is invaded by alternate realities to steal its Possibility Energy. (Except, it's...
Last night, I got about 5 Skaven clanrats done and did a test run of a miniatures game I'm designing based on one of my favorite RPGs.
[ATTACH] Built and finished these over the last couple days. They are some objective markers for RoSD scenario involving giant spiders.
I ran my wife, sister-in-law, and daughter through the first scenario for Rangers of Shadow Deep. They enjoyed it and want to play again!
I'd probably go with square bases as well. One option to consider is using some type of converter, basically a 25mm round base with a 20mm square...
Spent part of my day building cardstock terrain, mostly ruined buildings for use in Rangers of Shadow Deep.
[ATTACH] One off ranger for use in a Rangers of Shadow Deep campaign. He's been sitting around for a bit, but decided he needed a paint job...
I finished a model that's been sitting around for a bit, then worked on GC neophyte hybrids. [ATTACH] This will probably end up as my ranger for...
Thank you! I'm hyped as well. That new warband is on my "buy the day it's released" list.
Last night, I finished a vampire or necromancer for my Oathmark Undead kingdom. [ATTACH]
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Projects from the week. Skaven and Genestealer Cult.
Over the last three or four days, I finished a squad (five models) of Genestealer Cult Acolyte Hybrids. I also did a couple of Skaven clanrats,...
What about using them for Oathmark, the rank and flank game from the author of Frostgrave?
I put some work in on Genestealer Cultists today. I picked up an extra set of acolyte and neophyte hybrids a while back and started painting them....