Thanks so much for this good work!
Double yolked eggs freak me right out.
Oh, and for grins, here's the first model I painted from that warband. There's more to the corvidae than rooks, ravens, and crows, y'know. [ATTACH]
[ATTACH] *blows dust off forum log-in credentials* Is this thing still on? Hello! So I kind of dropped out of the hobby for a year or so...
I've let this blog get dusty! My online presence dropped off for a couple of weeks there as I tried to keep up with normal life AND get stuff...
I'm going to be at a writing retreat on a remote North Carolina mountain top with no cell phone or internet service on 16th June, and so will not...
A Rules Preview on Realm-specific Artefacts. This is more confirmation that the Realms stuff (spells and artefacts) are a function of...
Absolutely agreed, though I'd go a bit further and say that are wizards stand around looking very pretty. A new Battletome is necessary--would be...
I'm curious how they're going to handle the more-or-less required warscroll updates, given that almost all of ours have language about spells...
Right, but I'm saying that, as written currently anyway, the Astrolith Bearer has quite an efficacious role beyond spell buffing in Proud...
Why "maybe?" It's pretty much definitely. And for what it's worth, the Astrolith Bearer also has its Proud Defiance ability in addition to spell...
We're gonna need more models!
Actually, now that I read it again, with Lord Kroak foregoing all four spells and being a Slann AND having a Saurus Astrolith Bearer on the board,...
The way I read it, you generate 3 points for EACH SPELL YOU FOREGO. So that could be up to 12 for Lord Kroak.
Wish I could see that "table to right!" And no mention of how Engine of the Gods figures in, if it does. Maybe something specific that will be on...
Speak of the Dinosaur and she shall appear! Seraphon focus is up!
The answer to most of our questions about Endless Spells is the same as the answer to most of our questions about Second Edition in general. We...
The new episode of the Stormcast podcast (not linking because I can't decide which of the bewildering array of places it's available to pick)...
Mine came with a moonhammer. Ordered them in about six months ago.
I use the most recent points costs available for Seraphon, those in the General's Handbook 2017. Which I don't recommend you buy, because the new...