mmm maybe. but beast men did just gat a white dwarf and they don't really fit the teaser discription
yeah all the free guild foot troops(exept great swords) are really bad
i am talking about the free guild. most of them are just so ugly and the fact that you have to paint on the uniform does not help. also primarily...
also corn and beasts if we are sticking to chaos and gits, cities, lizards(models only), bone reapers, and fleash eaters if we aren't.
yeah i can think of at least 9 armies that DESPRITLY need new books/models. STD was not one of those because they don't have anywhere else to put...
the undivided one is very good to and khorn armies are going to like the constant healling.
Ha called it [IMG]
HA called it. [IMG]
the only change to us was in PoG so nothing of consequence
welp not surprised
no really. i don't know who that is and i feel left out
new customizable deamon prince
painting krox, might post pics latter.
be sure to get a few games in to practice the list.
eh 225 and very fragile. they can punch hard but nothing crazy.