Agreed! I have a pile of them that I want to paint up someday. The only issue with them for AoS is how small they are; roughly the size of a...
Suited up for war!
I don't think that expert conquerors will carry over, but I do think that the melee reach rules will get phased into the game in some form. It...
I feel for you! My vallejo mettalics have suddenly started being stubborn as well...
Creoso Joshua! I already caught some of your other posts, but it's still nice to pop in with a formal welcome! I am largely in the same boat...
Welcome!!! I can't wait to see more of your progress!!!
Welcome to Lustria! Glad to have another MESBG collector here as well! (someday I'll get around to painting up all of my moria models).
Same here! I like the flexibility available to our army. I would play dinos and toad wizards all day regardless, but I dove in hand and foot...
Recent tournament play has show that rippers Are viable, but the player that ran the list is pretty coy iirc, and they ran 29 total ripperdactyl...
Just double-checked the Core Rules. Charging doesn't "target" a unit, so it would work around that, and melee attacks do not require visibilty for...
Did you see the ripper list that went 4-1 this last weekend! It was completely a skew list, but it was fun to see. 2 Ripperdactyl Chiefs, 3 3-man...
We might with the new codex, but at a price hike. I don't really think most of our saurus have a durability issue with scaly skin active, it was...
Here is the warscrolls
Not sure how I feel about the new version of dart skinks, but I like the idea of any deepstriking melee unit that gets bonuses to charge. It is a...
Okay, let's do better this month Mr Viking Dino Monkey... Finishing touches on the Slann Finish up the last 9 Saurus Guard Prime, paint up, and...
Did not get anywhere near my goal for November. Finished the build and magnetizing for the EotG. Got all of the guard models started. But only...
I don't personally have any issue with her either. I think the biggest "beef" with her that has bled out to the wider public is that she can be...
Fun color choices (not familiar with equestria). Eyes are tricky always!
Hmm, if we are going literal for primary and secondary colours I say orange and blue. If we are just talking about a main and backup colour, let's...