What is the context for the left side?
This one never gets old.
I feel like purging heretics now. Surprisingly wholesome.
I dare you. I double dare you!
Weird how this isn't Valten.
Just paint him as an angry marine?
For the Emperor!
Ah a happy ending.
Yes that's Austin Powers. Fembots are deadly.
Amen! I try not to knock design ideas I think are silly but that's silly!
Looking for Knights of the Blazing Sun for both my Warhammer and Warmaster armies.
Wait are those Primaris real?
3.5 chaos was the best art.
May Settra bless your army.
Classic as I love the old hand sculpted models.
One of the reasons I sold off my Breton was the fact that I'd never have the time to get it to the standard I wanted it. It seems every time I...
Ahh happy ending.
Both comments check out.
And now we have Paizo coming out with a statement saying they will make a new OSL and protect the companies that use it.