Well friends, its that time of year. While I'm not stopping painting, I will be turning my attention into prepping for projects beginning 2024....
quick update from the desk. 8 more Picarde infantry finalized. [img] Man, its starting to look like something. [img]
I'm not saying I don't agree with you. I do however like to judge each model on its own merits and based on the execution of the design (based on...
24 grenadiers, 2 sergeants. These will complement the 24 grenadiers I already have built/partially painted and complete the company. [img]
No, No. You are mistaken, this is NUlamiah. Everything is different in AoS.
Thats the point. If her proportions and structure seem off, the design is working. She's an unnatural creature and a vampire. I do like the...
I e been painting soldiers of the Sun King
Add 16 french infantry, 4 french cavalry to that total. more infantry and commission orcs are WIP
[ATTACH] The Infantry have cavalry support!
I picked up some paint. Is this what Games workshop prices have come to? [ATTACH] P.s. this store has probably $10,000 worth of inventory...
First element of the Picarde infantry regiment, as well as the plate I based them off of. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Nice Ogre. Finished up two elements of 1700s era guard troops. Probably going to finish 2 elements of cavalry and some commission work later.
Still a few small touch-ups to do on these. [ATTACH]
Spotify jam, for whoever's hobbying at present. 10-12 pm most nights. I'll renew the link each night. Feel free to use this thread as a chat while...
I picked up a backstrap and 4 quart bags of stew chunks from my hunting buddy today. I plan on attempting a venison stew with some of the chunks,...
Hail the Queen of Lahmia
I didn't think about it before I glued him. If I come across another wind of death, i will make another.
This is my older attempt at painting the lizard men in my collection. It does not include the many Miniatures that are in various stages of build...