I'm pretty sure this is a character from Animal Crossing :D
I'm getting the vibe that this is the feline Hunter S Thompson...
..bottom center... that guy in white next to the stoplight post looks like Enzo from Assassin's Creed...
It is going to take me several days to assemble the pile, I can spray-prime them, but after my surgery Monday I won't be able to walk for three...
I hope it will too. I doubt I'll get a lot of painting done since they need assembly before priming and I'll be forbidden from climbing stairs to...
Got some Ardboyz. I'm collecting a pile of Ironjawz models to assemble and tinker with in preparation for the week of August 19th... when I go in...
WHeeeeeeeeeeeelllllp, guess I better order that soon... :D
History of the Toledo, Port Clinton, and Lakeside Electric Railway.
........ I ordered a book. It arrived today. [ATTACH] Apparently they wanted to just use ALL of the stamps instead of metering it through the...
Um, let me see... I'm building Ironjawz (slowly - got my cabbage dragon done, now I need to build 5 brutes, 1 megaboss on foot, and 3 wrekkaz)......
...that road must only be usable at low tide.
I have done this. I have also made French toast from English muffins, bagels, leftover blueberry pancakes (incredibly yummy if done right),...
Oh come on, if you had the option to go out in a blaze of glory, and then come back as a villain - BECAUSE YOU COULD - you'd do it... I would. :D
.........yes. :joyful:
I'm guessing landslide from a hill that has now been relocated to a spot with fewer retaining walls? ;)
Hurr hurr, well, THERE'S your PROBLEM! :D
..................................how... the crap... would you even get in there to work on that?!? I have a hard enough time working on toilet...
Aren't pallet jacks such wonderful things? Steerable, capable of lifting (and moving) over a ton of palletized materials, and, unfortunately,...
..... ..... ..... Okay, I just want to say, that is an awesome headpiece for this outfit and I want one :D