... ... ... ... I just really need that to sink in a moment. Did I miss something in previous battletomes? I admit I used battlescribe for any...
Once I can bare to look at it again without thinking about how everything I pictured in my head refused to translate. From the front, you...
Ooh, that's a hard one... On the one hand, I love skinks... they are adorable little lizard bois. On the other hand: saurus. They are the...
[IMG] Light infantry, ready for action! [IMG] A plucky young private, fresh out of training and not yet worn down by the realities of the war...
End of Month Report: Paint 5 Tartarus Terminators from the Burning of Prospero - Done Paint 6 miscellaneous/RPG models - Done Give a villain...
Wait .. Hold on... Was that it? That's not a road map, c that's a vague 'oh yeah, and stuff'. With the sights of the Chaos release, I was hoping...
Regrouping Middenheim – Middenland - The past few weeks had been trying. Hardly a surprise, as events seemed to be happening in haste, as if each...
It only just registered to me that the Warriors of Chaos are actually using their 2005(?) models. Which, considering they're the same role as the...
My understanding is that GeeDubs are mostly just pulling up old unused concepts from the vaults. The paladin hero was certainly that. The foot...
I'm inclined to think wood elves will, as the wood elves never had a transition to AoS where any older concepts would have been recycled back...
Yeah. Same here, conflict of interest means that I am not even giving mine a look aside from wondering if there are any typos that need me to have...
I think we just take it for granted that every option is one vote higher than actually stated as we would all be voting for our own tales by...
That... is amazing. And I'm not just speaking about the sheer scope of the terrain, the type of field I would love to one day battle upon. But the...
Interlude - State of the World The Frozen Summer The Dark Lands – Zorn Uzkul - Anten had dedicated his existence to a purpose. It was what some...
Huh... Cyborg ostriches... that's a choice... Got a chuckle from me. What was the thought process that had you decide on cyborg ostriches?
Day 20 Report: Paint 5 Tartarus Terminators from the Burning of Prospero - Done Paint 6 miscellaneous/RPG models - Done Give a villain...
I would... but I wouldn't trust myself to be impartial... It would become very apparent which one was written by me, based entirely on my ego...
Ah, excellent. I shall now commence with the reading, and the envious feelings when I realise that my writing is woefully lacking in comparison to...
Assault on Feyerabend - Part 3 The Old World – Feyerabend Keep, Middenland - Captain Kro-Loq entered the keep's main hall, his blade resting on...
I have to keep explaining to people who moan in disgust about high prices that they're high because people have shown that they'll buy at those...