the comet is a powerfull spell, i won my match against Dwarf 1100pts, killed ca 10 wariors, 11 gunners and a canon,and 8 greybeards a fantastic...
i have been reading it, but you all say different things!!
so the shoots autohits on all 6s on to wound to roll? im a lucky one and it help when you can toss over 30 dices at the same time :P
have i missed a rule against poison? doesnt it ignore armorsaves?
I wondered if someone are norwegian and lives near Tronheim? had been cool to play against
in my opinion skink scrimisher can be used to do everything. they can kill heavy armored troops( poison) light troops, they can be used as...
I wondered if a army painted in red brown and a light brown whud look nice? i also planed to use some beastmen helmets. anny sugestions?
hi I and my brother played a match this weekend an he played dwarfs. the points we played: 1100 my list Heroes: saurus scar vet: gw+cold one+armor...