Hello everyone! I'm thinking of moving into the realms of the double Slann (dum dum dum!!) but as I've always previously used a single Slann I'm...
My friend/enemy also thinks I should add an ancient steg - with engine of the gods?
I was watching this, wish you hadn't posted it xD Ah well, it wasn't going to be cheap anyway...
Slann 460 Cupped hands Focus of mystery, Rumination, Cogitation BSB - Banner of discipline Skink Priest 90 Level 1 Dispel Scroll Scar-Vet 96...
Okay so my army book arrived today, I've made this list, trying to be as competitive as possibly, and it also uses all models I own. All I have...
That's good :) I'm thinking an engine of the gods and some temple guard actually! What sort of list would you make personally? I'm thinking...
Hi guys I'm pretty to new to Warhammer in general, my friend has played for about 10 years and he is not only the one to get me into this game but...