The worst thing I have seen so far is the SM Bombardment cannon really. And that's easily countered. Stay out of range. :P Anyway, it is easy to...
Yes it is Battlefleet Gothic! A truly amazing game. In my opinion, a more balanced game than both 40K (which is a joke when it comes to balance)...
What is that? The Golden Knight? Ive beem contemplating buying that model.
High Elves still do it better... Which I find stupid considering the Slann is supposed to be the BEST magic caster, period. Well, not High Elves...
Fixed the list now. I drop a Salamander and two Warriors so that I could buy the Skink Priest with a Dispel Scroll. Slann Mage Priest - 460...
In my last game against Warriors of Chaos, I had that exact thing happen. Used the Cupped Hands on his one caster. I rolled a 1, followed by my...
I can ignore the miscast on a 2+ with Throne of Vines. So why not use the Cupped Hands as well early in the game to give his main caster a miscast...
I'm not so worried about the archers hitting me on a 5+. I'm not gonna take any Skink Skirmishers. I'm gonna take two units of Salamanders. They...
I know that if their general dies, the army starts to crumble. Is their general a magic caster? If so, I may force a Bane Head and a Cupped...
Hey guys! This Thursday I have another campaign game with the empire that is just South West of my own. It is the Tomb Kings. I'm pretty excited...
Yeah. Just had that talk. He declares that he's a pro now. How do you approach that? Especially when you see him every day because you also work...
Just letting y'all know this... But Teclis will cast a spell with irresitable force on any roll of a double. Double 1's, 2's, 3's, 4's, 5's and...
So... my friends and I normally play 2500 points, and I made the mistake of teaching my friend how to make a Magic O.P. list. Taking Teclis,...
Just a matter of cutting the rock off around the toes and then pinning it to the buildings. ;)
Finished this guy yesterday. It is my entry for my local GW's monthly painting competition. The requirements this month was it had to be either a...
Played a gale last night with a unit of and another unit of 2. Combined fire, they took out a unit of Marauders who started out 52 strong. I...
So aside from using Lore of Metal, what tricks are out there that can bring a solid victory against WoC. Played a blood bath of a game yesterday....
I prefer the hand weapons over the spears. Being initiative 1, i tend to play more defensively. That extra save has changed games.
A 2+ armor save on Temple Guard? How? Scaly Skin (5+), plus shield (+4), light armor (3+). Am I missing something?
Currently I run my Oldblood with... Armor of Destiny (Heavy Armor. 4+ Ward) Burning Blade Shield Gives him a 1+/4+ with Flaming Attacks that...