so after picking up the codex and playing a few games i have noticed spears with an EotG near by is really good. you lose the parry save but gain...
ah tails... didnt even think about it. ill look into it. thanks for the idea
just recently started 40k but i am a huge Lizardmen Fantasy player. came up with this idea and decided to use my thousands of LM bits to convert...
if your going to run a death slaan i would consider making him ethereal since death magic is close range, he needs to be on the front lines and...
first off the slaan is one of first models ive painted so constructive criticizing only please lol. i want to do a lava styled theme with my LM. a...
ok guys here is a couple pics. i will have more on another page on the paints and conversion section. note: i did not paint the saurus warriors or...
bane head is a magic item in the LM book. you pick an enemy charachter (normally their lvl 4) and the lsaan does double wounds to that model....
well thanks to those who gave their advice. I did end up fixing the scar-vets points and took the Divine plaque of protection off the slaan and...
pretty new at WHFB. been playing for less then a year and this will be my first tourny with my LM. i feel i am an above average player with my LM...
if i was allowed i wud lol. but so far ive won 4 and lsot one, also draw 2 againt a veteran player with his new chaos dwarves
so im going the the Bug eater GT 2012 in Omaha USA. i have only been playing WH for a couple months now and just recently picked up lizardmen. i...