A phone app would be awesome! I use tapatalk for a few forums, and it is really good! I think it will be a great improvement! Greeting A major fan...
Yeah i noticed i missed that one, already removed it
Can you guys give some tips on giving magic items. Im new to fantasy so im not sure which magic items to give.
Ok so i trief to mix some magic items, and this is what i came up with. Old Blood Carnosaur, LA, Blade of Realities, Enchanted Shield, Venom...
Hey guys, I just made a list with an oldblood on Carnosaur. Hope you guys can tell me if its viable. I really want the carnosaur, so you dont need...
HAha, nice banner ''All your base are belong to us!''
Thanks for the answer. What do you mean by the cohorts? You suggesting that i should take 4/5 units of 3 krox and 24 skinks?
Hey guys, First timer here on this forum! And i wanted you guys to give me some feedback on my army list. Its based on the red host of tehenhauin...