I've play tested this list against Ogres and Dwarves and it seems pretty sound for the lowhammer rule set. The tournament is tomorrow and I...
This made me lol... :)
2 pairs of salamanders will wreck his saves. Sounds nasty. To be honest, I like bringing TG even though they're expensive. The models are great,...
Hi! I have a bit more time to answer (to the best of my knowledge) some questions about the different units to bring. At the lower point value,...
Well from my experience with Bretts, your best bet is to tarpit them because once they're past that first round of combat, they're in trouble....
You give L-O a feeling of regality, Lord Cedric. :) Also welcome from one LM n00b to another! These guys are great, so don't be afraid to ask...
Oh wow, excellent. Thanks a million!
I'm assuming he doesn't get a look out sir! because of the different sized base?
I know that the Slann is considered a large target for things like a cannonball, so they can be multiwounded, but are players able to solo out the...
Ah yes, I see that now. Aquatic is rivers, forests and marshes are open terrain and soft cover. Thanks for clearing that up n810.
Ah, well the skink skirmishers can scout from rivers, marshes and forests right or am I just misreading the rules? I do like the multiple...
Do people prefer one to the other? In my first game with LM I brought 3 units of camo skinks and they did very well. Although, I was considering...
Also just to clarify, the skink chief can charge from the unit of skirmishers but the skirmishers cannot charge that same round, correct?
Ayup. Even after its effect has been used, it still remains as a shield. Although if someone has a character with an item that negates magic...
Interesting concept for the kamikaze skink. I like it! :) Also, anything thats not cavalry (minus Ogre Mournfang cav) gets a 6+ parry when...
If you're looking for dice, check out chessex.com. They have so much dice, it'll make your head spin... Also, welcome to the forums! :)
I know the cloak of feathers give him the ability to fly, but what else would be considered "tooled up to hunt warmachines" with only 25 more...
Well turns out my buddy decided to change his mind at the last minute and wanted to play an Ogre list with THREE STONEHORNS instead... Needless...
You guys continue to be awesome. Thanks!
I've thought about horde formation for the saurus warriors because they have a chance to do a boat load of damage, and since they're I1 I thought...