ive play tested the list against an ogre army and won with no magic to aid me, other than the bastiladon solar beam :), so i have to say so far so...
very nice, i can see some interestingwins in your future! post some bat reps for us will ya?
agreed, the skink priest is not that necessary, but you will want the dispell scroll, id swap
and i did fairly well actually, i actually was surprised with a winning result but i did get lucky with a snake eyes role to hold from iron gut...
thats what made it so funny haha, threw the whole game i only roled a 4 or lower for my magic phase :D i normally would agree with you but since...
yea your not wrong with going smaller, i use 2 units of 25 in my lists, usually no higher than 30, but if i do i run with the hand weapons. 6+...
I actually like your list quite a bit. im always a big fan of seeing the Bastiladon in lists, and for a tourney i count it in the must have...
Yea it's a risky list but it has some shock and awe capabilities, but it's just lacking war machine hunters which is my biggest fear
LORDS Old Blood, Carnosaur, Blood Roar, Great Weapon, Armor of Destiny, HEROES Scar Vet, Great Weapon, BSB, Light Armor, crown of command,...
also next game is against chaos and he runs a demon prince so feel free to let me know what a good lore against it... was thinking amber spear
yea only reason that i am running it is its a friendly game and we allow 5 points over, wouldnt have go over if it was a tourney or something...
LORDS Slann Mage with 2 Disciplines BSB HEROES lvl1 Skink Priest Ancient Stegadon with engine Dawn Stone...
iitems may be wrong here but i am pretty sure that the model that takes a magic banner can not have other magic also at that small of a unit id...
i may be wrong here but i am pretty sure that the model that takes a magic banner can not have other magic items
I used to play 2K armies across the board but the gaming group I play with now uses 2.4K as standard. With the 400 extra points there are a number...
huh not a bad idea, i think i might just do that
i did but its very rare, the 1 time i did have that option i was playing against chaos and i was up against juggernauts. used magic to boost their...
i thought about running the BSB but in this list there will be a lot of stegadon support so based on the battles ive fought without 1 i havnt...
LORDS Saurus Oldblood Ogre Blade Armor of Destiny sheild Carnosaur HEROES lvl2 Skink Priest(100) Diadem of power Ancient Stegadon with...