Hi all, decided to redo the army list and I think I have made it better than the last one. Just want to get some opinions before I go out and...
Hi all, Trix again :p I settled on doing an army based upon the City of Gold but I don't know how to do the Flagstones for some of the bases for...
Thanks for the input. I didn't know lore of metal was a good lore, I'm just using it because of the theme for the army XD. I am limiting myself to...
Hi all, just wanted some advice on a themed skink army that I have in the works. I haven't really had a chance to play the army list yet because I...
Well the plan is if it ain't got a skink attached then it ain't getting used. Skink Chieftain Skink Priest Skink Special Characters Skink...
I should have also pointed out that I was planning on doing a skink army ^^;;; Well I plan on doing that army theme idea, though the colors aren't...
Very very true practice makes perfect. But why harass a poor innocent guinea pig surely we should put abusive painting powers to practice on rats :P
Damn thats a lot of work. The problem being I am one of those that is... not confident when I comes to doing painting. I decided I will stick to...
Damn Oo..... those be some very colorful reptiles. I would like to do something along the lines for my skink army, the first picture you put. Is...
If I did have to pick up some GW paints, could you recommend me which ones I should get for the purple pink sky colors. I really want to do some...
True true. Well right now I am trying a dusk and dawn scheme on some spare skinks that I have to see how that turns out. Once decided I will paint...
Sounds like a plan. The only thing I am not sure of still is the paints that I will need, because recently they changed their range of paints...
I looked at your scheme ideas and there is some nice designs in there that i might try. I have about 3 spare skinks that I could try a couple of...
Thanks... but to prove my lack of painting knowledge... whats a PRIMER ^^;;; And that Saurus painter is interesting, just a shame you can't mix...
Hi all I just wanted to know if anyone could help me. I have two color schemes in mind that I would like to do my Skink army based in the city of...
Well embarressing as it is to say that I have never painted an army... not even a unit in all the years I have been in this hobby ^^;;;. I...
Hey all, long time Warhammer fan, new time Lizardmen fan. :P I used to be quite a bit of a hater of Lizardmen back in the day (damn Slann's XD),...