Hi Folks, I´m confused by the new easy and small rules. I don´t get it how many attacks a model really has. If I´m right, you have to read the...
We need a FAQ for the PF rule. Reason: I agree, the rule is clear, second rank gets PF attacks!!!!! If you read the rule from the german rule...
Well... I guess the true answer is: it depends! If you can avoid hitting on 7 (with doubleshot) blowpipes are a little bit better (fishing for...
There are some nice bits in the Stegadon box for building (B)SBs...
Hello all, I need some skink musicians for my army. As I don´t like the metal version I´m looking for something "self-made". Unfortunally I´m...
What will be the configuration for the EOTG when it is fielded? Assuming my opponent gets the first turn. Is it right, that I won't be able to...
yes.. it´s on the pamphlet... but nevertheless i´m not shure how exactly it is ment to be assembled (somewhere on the shield). The bits i´m...
Hi all... I´ve bought my first box of temple guards. Unfortunately some bits are confusing me. It seems like there are same additional bits for...
Hello all! I´m new to the board and new to the lizard men. This is my first attempt of a 1500pt army list. My current meta game looks like: -...