so long you dont play temple gaurds you can put it everywhere you want
project x and return of the king
I'm think i gonna use that kroot hounds of tau empire, they look good and nice to paint. Thank you all for the help.
hello, I read some cool stuff about salamanders and how good they are etc... So i thought to but me some but when i asked for them in a shop...
today battle against the dark elves player :) but maybe against beastmen to (and this one is very skilled)
:3 i start to like that salamander
ok salamanders are better then?
but in a general list?
is it good to put a stegadon in the list for a list of 1250?
Ye i liked it it was a pretty good list, and a big ownage :D
The battle against dark elves was canceled. But i couled battle ogres and i won :D
Hello, My name is Arno and I'm 15 years old. I'm new to lizardmen. Before lizardmen i had a high elf army. But after a while it got boring so i...
This will be my list: core 20 x saurus warriors +fc + banner of entarnel flames 20 x saurus warriors +fc = 510 points special 9 x...
I have a battle today against dark elves.
Because i'm sure he's gonna use his hydra, and he have also a character on a cold one with a magic item that give hem a save on a strength test of...
And maybe a banner of enternal flames?
Hello, Tommorow i have a battle against dark elves. And i'm kinda new with lizardmen. This is wath i got of models: +- 40 saurus warriors 10...