Re: Caprasauridae's Lizardmen (with Minttu the Stegadon) Thanks a lot Caprasauridae, really appreciate it, I'll definitely try it out in the future.
Re: Caprasauridae's Lizardmen (with Minttu the Stegadon) oh man that stegadon :O Can you tell me the paints you used for 'Minttu'? I would love...
Haven't got my hands on the new book yet. But what's all the hate for the beast? I like the model but I've being hearing it's bad. So what have GW...
If you get jungle swarm and the 'They're everywhere!' Rule comes into place with them, that would make some scary, scary saurus.
Thanks a lot ! Much appreciated
Would anyone like to answer any of this, a reply would be appreciated.
Alright then, thanks guys i guess i'll stick to my salamanders! maybe in the future i'll get some (because of their awesome models) butfor now,...
since the new lizardmen book came out (which i have not yet purchased) i have heard about changes in the book. since the changes has it in any way...
Great work, i love those green feathers with the white end. Consider it a borrowed idea. What colour is that last feather going to be?
I wanted to get some terradons and I'm slightly torn on which set I should make, Ripperdactlys sound like fun due to frenzy, so what set should I...
Re: Here's my Lizardmen army so far. (LOTS o Images of Lust Just curious, what model is next to the skink priest and kroak on the photo with the...
Well basically, I haven't been painting in long time, probably since September (that's actually not that long) and If you do remember any of my...
That's okay, you're doing a great first job! Better than my first attempt! :D Quick question, what will you be doing for your bases...?
Yeah just do your favourite colour or whatever you think suits! ^ I would say one thing is that I think you need to do some "clean up" on that...
Yeah I've seen them somewhere i think, the models do look pretty good, are they the right size though? as in would they look right on the base...
DAAAAM that's great. and the colour scheme seems to work very well. it makes it very easy to focus my eyes on details and makes the other colours...
It was so funny, I couldn't stop laughing at him! I don't know what he's going to do with them now lol.
quite a while ago I got 2 kroxigors from the warhammer website (when they sold them separately). and now since all my projects are basically done,...
Yeah I was shocked, but it turned out that 3 of them were WARMASTER! I laughed alot! that's what you get for going online when you don't know...
well, recently my friend has gotten into warhammer, he saw some of my lizardmen and said I want to get into it, his birthday came up today and a...