i recently played 5 games at 1,500 pts agaisnt my brothers VC list over a couple days. We both changed up our lists each game and I also rotated...
just a query how u worked out the attacks, scar-vet is standard 4 attacks + sword is 5. how did u up it to 6? I must be missing something, did u...
Being a smaller list your usually limited to 1 rare so a unit of 2 sallies is what I like to include as well, as for your blocks sauras are the...
I worked out if I swap my temple guard out for sauras, bring it back to 3 bloks of 18. swap my slann equipment to BsB, ethereal, cupped hands, an...
Oh I have been using the warhammer army builder on my computer, it generates points values etc. assuning its right it states the max points for...
That is assuming I Opt for making my slann ethereal? I don't think I hve the points (exceeding max lord pts)
I did a few theory tests of CC with his regiments and my sauras, an I doubt even after 4 turns that he would be able to destroy my blocks of 18...
I would love to bolster the numbers in my sauras regiments if I had the points. The reason i left them being if I can kill his necro with lore of...
Not sure if that's possible givin page 43 'Guardians' its says "if the slann joins any other unit other than temple guard, it is placed in the...
iv got a friendly match coming up, my opponent is fielding; excluding magic items, command grps etc. -Lvl 3 Necromancer in a unit of 32 zombies...
good range of colours throughout your army there! my favourite is defiantly the old blood version 2! the purple and blue combo mixes really well...
yea sounds like good advice, so revised list; slann priest -bsb -extra dice -loremaster -cube of darkness 20 sauras +command 16 temple guard...
Guys just a discussion on a battle I got coming up with my brother (cracks nuckles). we both haven't played in years an this will bit of a grudge...