Just curios if this site could be registered with Forum Runner. Seems like the registration process is easy and free. Maybe someone from Admin...
Thanks and i agree with you on the DT test. just wanted to check
Next set :) 1. So if someone issues a Challenge to my Hero and I have a Champion in the unit. Can i accept the Challenge with my Champion? The...
Yes on all counts. Looks like i screwed alot of things up there...DOH! I think i understand now. so no Poisen and no TS on on large targets....
Thanks, on a followup to question #2. My question arose from the following situations. In round 2 of CC i had my Old Blood (OB) mounted on a...
Next couple of questions: 1. Skirmishers - Sally's and Skinks. if say a unit pops in behind them or overruns behind them. On my turn can i...
Thats what i thought. thanks.
Okay next set of questions: 1. Can a single character or model (OB on Carn, Steg). Charge a scout unit that pops in behind them. Or do they...
Hey, thanks for the info. That helped a ton. It would see that Skirmishers would be good choice for screens since they receive a (-1) to hit...
So I'm kinda new to WHFB and have been reading the forums and was wondering if someone(s) could elaborate on some tactics: 1. Screening: what...