Life slann [general] PLUS 4...
oh well, thanks anyway. i really like the idea of the skrox units but god dam it skinks are hard to keep alive. i suppose the 30s/3krox ratio is...
Just wanted to thank you guys for the advice with this list. although my empire opponents luck was out last night the below army took him[a very...
Hey lads, toying with the idea of 80 skinks and 10 kroxigor. i have however a few queries. 1] the unit will be 10 skinks wide with 2 banks of 5...
Thanks. This is excellent stuff. I had heard of the skink cal mercenaries but didnt realise they were from the southlands. Im going to work them...
In relation to the banehead swap. I dont have the books with me right now but i think i found many of the assaination spells in death very short...
Although the death lore abilty is great im not relying on it. One slann will have extra power dice abilty. The odd dice back from death. Skinks...
Good points. Swapped one of the enchanted shields for charmed shields. Will bump the skinks up to ten. My skink priests are dispel and cube...
Hey lads, I play against the empire alot and wanted to launch a campaign against them. Decided to go with a lost tribe from the southlands as my...
Thanks alot for that, Have always used infantry/skirmisher armies til now. First time going magic/character heavy. Have made my death slann BSB...
i take it the a.steg points come from the hero/lord points allocation?
Hey Lads, Im starting to run a 2 slann army recently. Will be playing empire, dwarf and wood elf armies. Just wondering what ye think. Life...
Had a game against new armies book empire in the bag until a snotty 2nd level death wizard totalled powered the purple sun down along my lines....
Hi There, I,m sick of playing lore of life slann and have heard good things about Lore of shadows slann. Playing new armies book Empire tomorrow...
Hi There, the questions in the subject really. Have a cool Kroq-gar model on grimlock but finding it hard to keep single characters alive in this...
About to new armies book empire. My opponent is likely to have some seriously big units of halbreds, greatswords and flagelants backed by one of...