The Koala hanging from the tree looks like me .Australustria represent. Though being a kiwi lizard in Australustria I am of the Tuatara variety...
I like the first but I would be worried about a cannon to the face .. I have run the Armour of Destiny/Arabyan carpet/GW before a couple times and...
Hey good advice with the other tricksters :) Moved the Dispel scroll over and dropped the skirmishers ..Gave me enough points to purchase another...
Thanks for the reply. 1&2) Was thinking of running him solo ,but would he be better off with the Saurus ? Was thinking he would bring things like...
Ok so the other game fell through but have lined up a game against a Warrios of chaos . Couple of lists with slightly different changes ,wondering...
Cheers, the game fell through but have managed to line up a 2400 pts game .Will start a new thread.. In terms of how I made it I only have so many...
Cheers thanks for the feedback..Edited List 2 and will go with that list :)
Hi there ,Just making a list for a friendly game ,have only played a couple before so keen to try one of these lists out .Any...