Mine just turned up, trying to figure out how to use them. I usually base my models with sand then spray it black and then work my way up from...
I was just wondering I originally based this model with white spray, would it be better doing it with black spray?
Someone pointed out a kit in another thread which is very jungle like, so I've ordered one of them and if it's not jungle enough I'll make some...
I'm not sure, at first I thought purple, but after thinking on it I thought it may be to dull, so then I thought maybe orange with a biel tan...
So I'm starting to paint my Saurus warriors, originally I was going to go with orange and red, but I've decided to play safe and go with green but...
So Saurus have a 4+ save in general then? 5+ for the scaly skin, 4+ for the shield? I'm going to have to have a long sit down and study the rulebook.
Yeah it was very helpful, I'm thinking of going with HW and S, it seems more forgiving. Do you get +2 to your armour save for having a hand weapon...
I'm not entirely sure what my army will end up like, I'm going to get another box of Saurus so I'll have 32 of them.
What weapons are Saurus warriors best equipped with? I got a box of them today and I'm planning what to do with them.
I like the look of them, but I think the leaves are to european looking if you know what I mean lol Jungle leaves are longer and pointed like the...
I'm also starting an army, the first thing I'm getting is a box of Saurus, I'm not sure what a good army size is to start off with though.
Re: Kai'Tzatl - The forgotten Slann - Painting Blog Did you use green stuff or some other way to make those bases?
So two boxes of Saurus, a Salamander, a box of skins and a Slaan should my first purchases?
Thanks :) Should I aim at getting a sizeable number of Saurus first?
Hi all, I'm about to start a Lizardmen army, I'm returning to the game and haven't played since 6th edition or maybe even 5th, so I'm a semi...