I tried making my own washes out of both GW and Vallejo paints. I tried diluting with straight water, soapy water, windex, floor polish, all per...
Very cool. Love the airbrush work.
That's all that link gives me...
Wow a lot of good information. Your blog has a ton of good stuff to keep me busy for a while. Thanks!
I see on your blog that you used cork and sculpey to make the stone bases. Can you elaborate on that sculpting process? Which parts are cork,...
Looking good! I think a little highlighting (drybrushing) and basing would go a long way to add interest and dimension to your figures.
Has any thought been given a phone app or mobile version of the site? I dont know anything about making apps, but ive seen some nice simple ones...
I read a few articles and watched a few videos before purchasing my airbrush. I ended up going with the first one on this page:...
The time to get a good blend was a big concern originally going into this. I tried some wet blending with a brush on a couple models but it...
Re: Some ineresting dinosaur/creaure fluff in the new armybo Here's a thunder lizard model: http://www.coolminiornot.com/292963?browseid=6303303...
Ha, nice avatar! Does your army sport a similar color scheme?
Here ya go! [attach]
Thanks a lot! I modeled them after the Agama Lizard: [attach]
Hi, this is the first unit I've painted. I'm looking for tips to improve my painting. Tips to improve my macro photography are also welcome :)...