well i think skink krox units can be good as a sapport unit specialy because the krox in the skink unit stop stomps and the dread 13th spell also...
25- 30 sarus are nice blocks if you put a nicely kited out scar vet or 2 in the unit realy strong :) also when im e makeing builds i try to...
so i cant use the enchanted shield from the normal rule book because of having one in common magic items? >< :( lol dunno what to do about the...
i find cav a rly exspesnive for what they give but they do make good flanking units sallys are realy good at mass killing hords so depends what u...
This is a 2k game against ogres hopefull i will do better then i did against the skaven! :D i have done 2 lists i am not sure wich i will take...
well it was a awsome game but unfortunatly i lost lol :P he brought a hell pit 40-50 slaves 20-30 storm vermin 20 -30 clanrats and a...
the battle is tonight at 6 so ill post round 10 ish when i get back :) hope for a good game
yeah im a lil worried about his shooting im hopeing i can pick some of them off with my camo skinks and get the rest with my mage befor they reach...
ok thats nice ill def do that then and go life aswell hope for gl as my m8 is a gd player ill post here the results too so u can see how it goes...
just had a thought wich i may be wrong about but if i was to bunker the slann in the sarus unit wouldnt he have to go at the frunt because they...
pretty good idea to bunker him i actuly didnt think of doing that also means i dont need to worry about shooting as much because of the look out...
yeah i fogot to list the bsb i gave it to the scar vet that had the dragon helm :P i used exactly 1.5k points so i would have to get rid of...
also considering using death or life magic not sure life good because i can buff my main combat unit and keep it alive also if the slann gets...
Hi i am a new member to this forum i have played lizardmen since november. I am doing a small point game at the local WH club against a friend of...