amazing. thank you for the pointers. i am definitely taking all that advice as it was very useful. i found my sallies constantly trying to find a...
hey guys, so me and my group have started our summer tournament and this time I lucked out and I have to play against 2 Dark Elves and 1 Wood Elf....
ive never played against the Brets. But i can advise using a stegadon, high toughness and impact hits. it will modify the armour saves. take the...
the deal with the list is that in the tourney players were only able to play with the same list all tournament long. so i kinda had to make a well...
hey guys, i am in need of serious help. last week i battled a daemons of chaos army in the tourney im holding and this week I have to play him...
will it panic daemons?
yea that i knew. i was just curious because most templates or war machine attacks do D3 or D6 dmg.
while that does suck, its good to know. thanks!
heys guy i was wondering if the salamanders did D3 damage to multiple wounds models? I am going up against a daemons of chaos player and was...
you can try this. works for me. Oldblood Carnosaur Great Weapon Armour of Destiny Obsidian trinket Bane Head Total: 447 2+ armour save 3+ Ward...
hey guys, so im back after a few weeks of painting and training, i come to everyone with more help. my first list i posted wasnt very good and...
you make valid points. I cant take units for the sake of it, every unit needs a purpose and I just cant find one for the cold ones. As for the...
i appreciate all feedback. i am going to scrap this and re work it. I knew I had some useless units in there. Cavalry never worked for me in the...
Hey guys i know I am new here, but I have a tournament coming up within the next month, there is no real date set, but it will soon. I am playing...
hello fellow lustrians, im Saurus2301. I am new to the site but I am certainly not new to the magical game of Warhammer. I've been playing off/on...