Added 2 scar vet to my collection, though I'm not quite satisfied with the painting job, I really wanted to get them ready for the gaming table...
Silver faith was right with scar vet. I'm sorry i'm using the French name of scar veterans.
Salamanders are pretty fun against Skavens. And quite good overall against anything with 3 toughness. Else... More kuraqs. Temple gards and a...
Quick example: Heroes: Scar vet BsB, Gambler armor, shield -> 2+, 5++ and will add some punch to the saurus (will go in the warriors) Scar...
After quite a long period of inactivity... I'm back with a skink priest :D. [attach] [attach] [attach] [attach] [attach] [attach] [attach]...
Hello Everyone, As promised, here is the summary for the game I played against my Dark Elves friend this Week End. I used a list and a though...
A few changes you could do in my opinion. - Get as slann If you can. Else drop a skink priest. 2 lvl 2 priest and maybe a bastiladon/solar engine...
It really depends on the rest of your list.... But without any further information, i'd vouch for the LaserLadon. Things to consider: Moar...
Hey ! For the skink priest you should probably go beast, as weyssan outweights iceshard when only running one caster. drop the channeling staff...
Wow thank you I didn’t expect such an in depth response !! the thing I is, I feel that when I pack some punch like TG or big blocks of saurus,...
Greetings fellow lizardmen, A few months ago, I started whfb wiith some friends, we started doing some escalation games from 750 to 1500...
Haha yeah I already new that stand worm model ans they will definitly proxy fort salamanders As for the theme of the army . I really love the...
Thanx ! Owwww neat Worm.... i need to get some to have on my bases Oo. that's going to be awsome.
Just finished them and was too happy not to ask for an opinion Enjoy :). [attach] [attach] [attach] My dream now would be a...