I've got some of my new lizzies infront of me, but i have no idea what i want to paint them. Not a single clue, apart from NOT green or red. Any...
which is better BboC or RBot?
Thinking of taking oldblood for army, what weapon is the best choice
definatly get more saurus, you need basic 2 if you want any chance of winning
any thing S7 or krox ill take them out
What i might do is have an oldblood on carnosaur and stick him in a unit of 8 SCoR. This works really well if done wit the right amount of support
you're right racknam12345 only skink chiefs on stegs can have the warspear. I agree with racknam12345 also in the fact you have WAY too many...
obviously there's a point where you've spent too many points on magic and not enough core. in my army i have only 7 PD . . . . . . . but 60...
one of your S.Priests has 2 arcane items
personally i wouldn't use the cold ones./ I think they're useless. I'd swap em for some sallies, and definatly not enough terradons. 5 should be...
yeah i was also thinking about a fenris grey colour and that granite for scales
I would use (especially against frenzied units, and in this case it's better because his whole ARMY is frenzied) the lore of fire and just keep...
send me a message on my profile to tell me when the battle report is up k??
NO!!!!! IT'S MY LIST!!!! :jawdrop: :jawdrop: . . . . . . . . course you can borrow it BUT!!!! you have to post a battle report to see how...
ok re calculated Slann Focused rumination Plaque of tepok - 290 Skink Priest EotG Lvl 2 Diadem Of Power - 415 Saurus Warriors x20 Spears Full...
Yeah can you drop rocks after fling over a unit whilst charging into anotherone on the other side??
<--- WooT Froggy!!!
which would you think better? chameleons or terradons?
one quick question . . . why the scar- vet on Co but no CoR???
so at the start of the battle, does he roll 2 d6 or 3 d6 for spell selection??